The Five Elements

TRI Attunement resonates with the elemental building blocks of the cosmos:

Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Fusion.

These energies create our essential nature.
Many factors affect our elemental composition:
the seasons, our environment, our actions, our thoughts and emotions.
When we practice awareness of the elements of existence,
we can respond to challenges and live radiantly.

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Air energy relates to thoughts and voice, they travel by air. Unbalanced air could be experienced as 'spaciness.' Hiking to a mountaintop is a way to experience air. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are the air element signs.

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'Earthy' people prefer to be in nature. Once can be 'down to earth' or 'a stick in the mud.' Gardening brings the earth element into your life. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the earth signs.

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Fire energy is hot and action-oriented. Fire-combustion-is a transformative energy. Fire is the antidote to lethargy. Aires, Leo, and Sagittarius are fire signs.

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Flowing water is our connection to emotion, and to the earth. Water is cooling and calming. Imagine the soothing feeling of floating in water…Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are water signs.

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The ‘fifth’ element, Fusion energy is the spark of life, and the connection to the beyond. Fusion is the energy that raises awareness and vibration beyond 4 dimensions. As a different sort of element fusion does not have corresponding signs, but relates to the nodes of the moon as well as 'the angles' of the astrological chart.